Thursday, April 7, 2016

F is for Friendless

A to Z Challenge

A table to sit at
A fireplace to keep warm
Someone to calm me
During the storm

Someone to wipe my tears

Who's there when I cry
That tells me it's okay
And wipes my face dry

More than just because
My house is not a home
With no family here with me
Makes me feel all alone

Image result for dark creepy fireplace

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

D is for Dracula

     A to Z Challenge

       We expected long, sharp teeth. We expected a cape and coffins and superhuman abilities and this and that. What did we really get? Something that goes straight for heart and not the neck but still manages to draw blood. Something that still drains us of our energy if we let it; something that, if not handled correctly, could take our lives away from our very own control. Something extremely cold blooded, yet we search for it anyways.
       Something called love. Something that can kill you, or something that can make you live forever.

E is for Elbow

(A Nonet)

Like few other things, I bend, not break
Just for you, life easy I make
I catch the germs when "Ah-CHOO"
A thing few others do
help to hide your face 
from shame; disgrace
I've never 
left your 

Monday, April 4, 2016

C is for Communion


Image result for the last supper
One will betray me, though many others already have
They lie, they cheat, they steal, they go behind my back
For 25 pieces of silver, the price of a mere slave
Not even sold as a King, who came to Earth to save

I eat my last meal with those people I call my friends
How many will remember me once I meet my end?
Will I only be remembered on the First Sunday of Every Month?
Though many people have never met me, if I may be truly blunt

Then they want passage into my Kingdom, passage into my home
Though my life, my battle, my story, these same people have never known

One will betray Him, though many others already have
He came to save your soul, a few thousand years in the past

For 25 pieces of silver, the price of a mere slave
You know not what you do, but now that fact is changed

He ate his last meal with those people He called his friends
Then He died on the cross to cleanse us of our sins

Will He only be remembered on the First Sunday of Every Month?
With a small glass of wine, a small bread caused crunch

Then they want passage into His Kingdom, passage into His home

Though they’ll be left to a blazing Hell, fearful, all alone

Love Leaves You in Chains (A Villanelle)

It’s the pain of the game
They say time heals all
Because love leaves you in chains

Grief on an insurmountable range
We’re both villains in each other's eyes
It’s the pain of the game

My chest now blood stained
My heart no longer in its box
Because love leaves you in chains

Watching you leave on that train
Thinking about all of the lies
It’s the pain of the game

Now my life will never be the same
Feeling trapped in Hell like Dante
Because love leaves you in chains

Was this destined from the moment you came?
Is this a sign of the end days?
It’s the pain of the game
Because love leaves you in chains

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Our Smiles

Space and time become void,
what makes a smile wear down
like the fragile creations of human hands?
The words of another?
The stress and fatigue that accompanies?
The gray skies are all we see
Even when the sun is out
lest the smile begins to brighten
Notice that the word bully
starts with the word bull
The smile- something a human could
never truly create for themselves
goes through the passage of life.
Some keep their beautiful smile, while others lose their gift,

bombarded by the bull of a bully

April A-Z Challenge: B is for Bold

A couple of years ago I began this challenge a day late and by happenstance I start a day late again.

   *This is in no way what a woman should or must be! Simply my personal preference for the type of woman I'd share my life with.

       I like my women like I like my coffee; strong, hot, and bold. I need a woman that's not afraid to voice her opinions and stand toe to toe with me. I need a lady with a passion that can match my own. Unwavering, faithful, confident. The eye also can't go wanting. Such a strong woman must have an elegant and classy style to complement my own. Sensible, yet clever, with a modern touch. Lastly, bold enough to dream big. Bold enough to help others. Bold enough to see past what others say search for the truth.