Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chicken Noodle Soup

Hot when it gets out of the microwave

Be patient and don’t misbehave

It would be a shame if you burnt your tongue

I’ll make it better  like chicken noodle soup does

When you're sick I’ll bring you some

Cuddle with you in some blankets or a ton

Watch movies and make sure you feel comfortable

Bring you some popcorn

Hope I make you feel better like the chicken noodle soup does

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

B is for Beautiful

Hey, I'm joining this April A-Z challenge. Just for fun, I didn't sign up since I'm a day late, but i still want some of the fun :)

     Beautiful she was and is. The reason is because she doesn't try. No guy has ever polluted her purity. Her goals are in place. Her parents care for her and love her. She's been strong and independent. Now, add happy to the list. She's pretty too. What's missing? Nothing, she's beautiful and she's mine. Can I keep her? It would be a shame to lose someone that's perfect for me. Simply try. Try to keep her. Maintain something healthy between us. She'll tell me the truth. She'll support me. She'll try her best for me. She'll sit and listen to me ramble on about religion, politics, philosophy, sports, my blog, books, food, anything. All she asks is that I do the same. All she asks is that I remain beautiful too. I could have used big words for this. Her beautiful style is simple. I wanted to use her style in this since it's about her. I wanted to keep it simple so it can be like her. Her style is something to enjoy :)

My Unspoken Emotion

I recall every day her callous feats
stirring up an unforgettable pain
her wrath a sweltering heat
something I cannot get out of my brain.
An ocean falls upon my soul
I call it my own emotion
an area that will stay closed.
where is the self-devotion?
Where would it be if she blames me?
I try to please, that’s plain to see
now my work, perfunctory; I have become complacent.
Shall I speak for her to hear?
my fear, my tear, a flawless gear?
I will not speak, a qualm quite queer, but I am not yet brazen;
everything was mental till her hand now breached my face
I stepped back very tentative, she has crossed the line.
I react, a pure reflex, before she gets to brace
after today, I cannot say, to my ardor she is blind

Today's Funny

A little something funny for the day, accompanied by a bit of patriotism and fill in the blank messages :)

Today's Nugget of Wisdom

1 kings 6:13                                                                                                                                                

You may know many things, but until you can understand each of them you can't connect the pieces of knowledge to create the highway of wisdom that your brain runs on. This is how the greats still manage to be great through lies and adversity. This is how you manage to appear strong even when you have broken down deep inside. This isn't a simple task, to teach yourself something like this takes extreme discipline, and instead is more powerful when taught. Mentors and coaches once had a strong movement and participated in the lives of many. Presently their abundance is low. The chance of them returning is low due to a lack of confidence within our generation. Most of us refuse to reach out and touch the lives of others. Key principles of life are lost between the inability to communicate. One major principle we've lost over the years is worship. I go around and hear people call themselves Christian all day long, but you can feel the irregularities of God's spirit just by their presence. Worship must be somatic and true, built on a foundation of prayer. Parents don't even explicate the importance of prayer anymore; outside of waking and sleeping.  People are fundamentally ignorant of how to converse with God. Have you forgotten how to brush your teeth? Seeds that are planted deep inside the soil of your heart maintain themselves and eventually blossom. Some seeds are domineering like brushing your teeth, while a few lie dormant unacknowledged by the spectators visible. I hate to seem like I'm preaching in your face, I prefer to let you see for yourself. There has never been a time where my faith failed me. This principle of faith stretches into all aspects of our lives. Faith is not the same as confidence where as faith must be conjured from yourself when you have nothing left. My confidence on the soccer field comes from practice, repetition, and years of doing it. My faith in speaking comes from my faith in the favor that God has given me, something I can't feel. I can hold one of my MVP medals to remind me of what I've done, yet at any moment I could lose my grace and end up back on normal precedents. I could have labored extravagant words to vindicate my pedagogy. That wouldn't have touched you though. Taking the time to fully explain each of my thoughts is how we create the bond that will entrench you to me forever. We have built the temple, and God will remain with us in it.