Wednesday, April 2, 2014

B is for Beautiful

Hey, I'm joining this April A-Z challenge. Just for fun, I didn't sign up since I'm a day late, but i still want some of the fun :)

     Beautiful she was and is. The reason is because she doesn't try. No guy has ever polluted her purity. Her goals are in place. Her parents care for her and love her. She's been strong and independent. Now, add happy to the list. She's pretty too. What's missing? Nothing, she's beautiful and she's mine. Can I keep her? It would be a shame to lose someone that's perfect for me. Simply try. Try to keep her. Maintain something healthy between us. She'll tell me the truth. She'll support me. She'll try her best for me. She'll sit and listen to me ramble on about religion, politics, philosophy, sports, my blog, books, food, anything. All she asks is that I do the same. All she asks is that I remain beautiful too. I could have used big words for this. Her beautiful style is simple. I wanted to use her style in this since it's about her. I wanted to keep it simple so it can be like her. Her style is something to enjoy :)